01872 273750

Pastoral Team

Student welfare is really important to us. We want our students to be happy, to feel cared for and to understand that if they do have a problem, they have someone in school to turn to.

Supporting the role of the form tutor, is a team of support staff who deal with all manner of issues; whether that be a personal issue, an issue to do with friendships at school or an issue to do with their work. Indeed, for some students, they may just need an adult who can phone home if they have forgotten their PE kit or their Food Technology ingredients.

Our team of support staff are always on hand to offer a listening ear and wise counsel to students.

Deputy Headteacher, Mr Brokenshire and Assistant Headteachers, Miss Hendy and Ms Sawalha, are the overall leads of pastoral care (attendance, behaviour, rewards and welfare).

Assistant Headteacher, Mr Holloway, is our Safeguarding lead. Mrs Rippon is the Deputy Safeguarding lead.

There is more information on Safeguarding at Richard Lander School here:


All staff are further supported by the wider Student Support team with each year group having a dedicated Pastoral Manager. These are Miss C Filkins (Year 7), Mrs H Rhodes (Year 8), Mr C Richards (Year 9), Mr S Barnado (Year 10), Mrs K Doherty (Year 11).  Mr Tonkin and Mrs Anderson also provide pastoral support to Key Stages 3 & 4. Ms Mold provides administrative support. Our Head of Year contact details are below.

In addition, Mrs Cornish is our Attendance Officer, Ms Clair is our Education Welfare Officer, Mrs Matavesi is our Emotional, Resilience and Wellbeing Monitor, Mrs Chilcott and Mrs Hyde are our Medical Officers, Mrs Grenfell provides Careers and Work Experience Support, Miss Carr is our Effective Learning Mentor.

HOY7@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk – Miss C Filkins – Year 7

HOY8@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk – Mrs H Rhodes – Year 8

HOY9@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk – Mr C Richards – Year 9

HOY10@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk – Mr S Barnado – Year 10

HOY11@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk – Mrs K Doherty  – Year 11

Students and parents/carers can also email enquiries@richardlander.cornwall.sch.uk if they are not sure which pastoral support worker they need.