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More Able

Every child will have more than one special gift or talent; it is important we recognise and develop this potential in all our students.

Within this framework, the school also works to identify those students who:

  • Are identified through their primary schools and their Key Stage tests, as being among the most able academically, on entry to the school
  • Are identified by specific subject areas as being high achieving in that aspect of the curriculum
  • Have a specific talent within a sporting or creative arena; be that a student who excels at a particular sport, a particular instrument, creatively or in performance

Our aim is then to support identified students through effective mentoring and teaching and the opportunity to experience a variety of enrichment activities.

Within this broad framework, we also support the needs of more able students through our grouping policy, which means that in key areas of the curriculum, including English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Modern Foreign Languages and Physical Education, more able students may be grouped by ability.  In some subjects this grouping starts in Year 7 and for other subjects, it will begin later on in Key Stage 3 or 4.

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Key Stage 4 students also have the opportunity to study further GCSE courses as after school.

Additionally, many students have leadership qualities, which often go beyond pure academic ability.  This talent is nurtured and developed through a variety of leadership activities, challenges and competitions for example becoming a subject leader in subjects such as History, Languages and Creative Arts. Or participating in student council meetings, Youth Parliament and the Mock Trial competition.

We also offer a range of other activities to support more able, Gifted and Talented students.  This includes: university visits, a range of notable visiting speakers and participation in subject based national challenges, such as the Gorsedh Literary Festival, World Maths Day challenges, Junior Chef awards, Young Designer awards, among many others.

For additional information relating to the Gifted and Talented provision at Richard Lander School please email

Ms H Rickatson – Gifted and Talented Coordinator